Month: July 2020

Problematic Toxic Masculinity Trope #5: Sassy Gay Friend

My latest on A Wandering Road is live! I was worried about what a mess it was, and also about being a mouthpiece for a population I’ve never been, other than friends with. But I’ve gotten some pretty good feedback already, which makes me feel better. Let me know what you think, yeah?

A Wandering Road

Problematic Toxic Masculinity Trope #5: Sassy Gay Friend

by Jenn Zuko

Brian Gallivan’s series of sketches called Sassy Gay Friend retells several classic stories under the premise of: what if _insert straight female character here_ had a sassy gay friend? Countless calamities of the catastrophic type have been nipped in the bud by our good friend the SGF (I highly recommend the Eve one, though the Hamlet one is great too). What Gallivan is doing as a writer is taking an old stereotype trope character and showing how the stereotypical traits of the SGF could actually be good things in certain scenarios. What the series does, too, is to make us question the inherent misogyny (not to mention homophobia) of much of our pop culture classics, inviting us to think as we laugh.

sassygayfriendad_largeSassy Gay Friend is a pretty well known trope already (even TV Tropes has it on their…

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Vote for my seminar!

Hey lovely lurkers—it’s been a minute. I do apologize; I’ve had quarantine brain sum’n fierce.

But I have a big favor to ask you all:

I have a seminar submitted to this year’s virtual Denver Startup Week, and I need lots and lots of votes for it in order for them to consider offering it. So could you do me a solid? Could you vote for me?

I did this very seminar the other month at Boulder Startup Week specifically tailored for Zoom, and it worked great!

Anyway, here’s the link. Thanks a bunch!