Month: September 2023

Do you even Stack, bro?

Hear ye, here ye go: the latest few pieces I’ve composed and put up on my Substack. Have you subscribed over there yet? Hmmm?


Fashion and identity.

The Local

This popination isn’t local to me anymore, but it was nice to visit.


An old jug and an old story.

Thin Man / St Mark’s

Two venerable Denver institutions, just like my partner.


My first Substack roundup.

Opera lobby bar (Buell)

About impostor syndrome and the opera.

Plot is Great, but have you tried Foucault-ing off?

I must express my appreciation to Jason Quinn Malott for his podcast episode titles. Gotta love it.

Anywho, our latest Outrider ep has dropped—we’re still talking craft in this one: structure as opposed to (or as an alternate to) plot. Enjoy!

My current shelfie. Hand sanitizer in the foreground because I’m valiantly fending off the dreaded ‘rona from the person I live with. Wish me luck and Viking shield walls.

A Stack of ‘Stacks

It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long, overly lurkers, but sheesh it has! Here’s the latest of my Musings on Zuko’s Musings, my Substack. If you like following me here, you should definitely consider subscribing over there—there’s more stuff like Notes and it’s a lot of fun. Anywho. Here we go!

Post Brewing

My popinations have continued apace…


All about my many relationships with unhinged redheads.

Canyons Lounge

A very odd experience in a very odd hotel bar.


My new favorite vocab word.

Milk Bar (and Repent Night)

How I bashed up my shins, which are still painfully healing…


I didn’t know this was a real word, but it is.

Tivoli Brewery

A trip down memory lane, to Colorado’s oldest brewery.