
My Metaphysical Tautology

…doesn’t that sound like a Goth band name? Well it’s the title of the latest ep of The Outrider Podcast, is what it is. Have a listen to me and Friend JQM natter on about the publishing world, and whether anyone reads books anymore. (Spoiler alert: they definitely do.)

My Metaphysical Tautology

A cool looking display from that very weird museum we went to on one of my Wichita visits.

Substack Snacks

Here’s the latest in the freebies on my Substack, in condensed link form. Don’t forget—I also do paid-only Fight Clip Club posts on Wednesdays and I have been continuing my taking off of paywalls on my Problematic Tropes series as well, on Thursdays. It’s a much richer experience of Zuko’s Musings on Substack, but, hey. You do you.

Pub on Penn

Also, church and Easter and things.


I got this vocab word from a book I’m jealous of. Which fits.

Dark Horse

Sorry, WORLD FAMOUS Dark Horse.

Help me pick a word! (But only till Friday)

I put up a poll because I needed help choosing a new word for the week. It’s a close vote right now, and I’m leaving it open till Friday.

Stanley Beer Hall

This was such a weird cool place.

There’s no sub for a Stack

It’s that time again, ‘bots and lurkers: time for a rundown of all the free reads I’ve been Musing about over on my Substack, Zuko’s Musings. Remember that there’s also paywalled Fight Clip Club entries and re-shared Problematic Tropes articles as well. Also this past couple weeks, the eminent John Halbrooks of Personal Canon Formation cross-posted one of my LOTR lecturettes for his LOTR readalong peeps, of which I am one. But you’ll find all that fun stuff over there. Here’s just a basic incomplete rundown:

Wichita Brewing Co.

Memories of a good Kansas popination.


Sun stealing myths and ninja monsters.

Incantation Brewery

My popinations have taken me all over the place lately. This one’s in Aurora.


One of my readers has declared this to be canon. Who am I to argue?

Cherry Creek Grill

Of poshness and people watching.

Pareidolia, et al

Four vocab words in one!

Takes a licking. Keeps on…

The latest Outrider podcast ep has dropped! Man, were we in a much better mood this time than in the past. I have a theory as to why…

Anywho, please to enjoy our latest episode:

Whenever he sees a wet spot, he has to lick it.

A random picture of an old fashioned, for no apparent reason.

(Sub)stacking the deck

It’s time again, old-fashioned blog followers, ‘bots, and lovely lurkers. The latest in the freebies up on my Substack, Zuko’s Musings. Along with these, remember I’ve also been taking off the paywalls on my Problematic Tropes series on Thursdays—we’ve gotten through the PBFTs and are now embarking upon the PTMTs. Go follow or subscribe over there, please and thank you.


This turned into a fun sort of sentimental Musing.


I’ve been exploring weird new places for this series.


Beware the Ides of March…

My Neighbor Felix

Another strange new place.


A common uncommon weather feature. Who knew.

Dang She Stacked

Here ya go, you stubborn blog followers (and bots. All you bots). Here’s the latest collection of my free-only work on Substack. Which you should really go subscribe to.

You must choose…

This poll is closed, so. Too late.

Nob Hill Inn

Nob Hill recently escaped a fire. Glad they’re okay.

Zeitgeist Zombies

This was an amazing collab with one Pimpfucious, and it was a heckuva lot of fun. Thanks to DuVay Knox for stepping up to play around with me!

Mile Hi Spirits

My popinations have taken me to some interesting places these days.


This is the word that you all overwhelmingly voted for. Good choice.

Liquor Pie

Another popination adjacent to a performance of mine. This was fun.

ALSO! Lest ye forget: I am also releasing my entire Problematic Tropes series to free subscribers, one at a time, on Thankful Thursdays. But you gotta go to Zuko’s Musings for that.


From the Substaaack … to the Blog

No idea why that song likes to stick in my head—I literally don’t know more than a couple lines of it even. Anywho.

It’s that time again! Time to give y’all who are still using this ancient and venerable platform to follow me, a summary of the free posts that I’ve put up on my Substack, Zuko’s Musings. Remember, that there is a free subscription as well as a paid one, and the paid peeps of mine get three posts a week instead of just two. So. Here ya go.

Airport Bars

My popinations traveled out of state recently!


This vocab word got a little sentimental.

Wichita Pub Crawl

Me & JQM on a Wichita brewery jaunt. Super fun.


Another slang term that matched my performing life.

Mountain Sun

A popination to an old favorite.

And, as a bonus: I’m starting to take down the paywalls on each of my Problematic Tropes series of cultural criticism pieces, one by one, for a Thankful Thursday practice. This past Thursday, I opened up #1:

The Marion Effect

You’ll find older versions of these here, and on Writers HQ. But these versions have been revised just a wee bit more for my Substack audience.

Stacked Against Sub

I have let my Substack get away from me lately! Or at least, away from this blog. So here’s the freebie posts that have gone up on Zuko’s Musings in the past few weeks. Go there for the rest, and for the paid posts too—we’re having fun with Fight Clip Club!


The readers voted on this one and I have to say they’ve enjoyed it since.


Popinations have continued apace!


Body image issues and Big Country

Down with the Sickness

Still writing, through illness and in health.


Of vampires and red wine.

Lady Justice

Also Vintage Theatre.


I got interviewed! About mental health and art! yay!

Stack em High

Here’s the latest in my summary of what’s been going on (for free, anyway) over on my Substack. Are you following me there yet? Why not? Do eet!


A very fun vocab word about a big part of my artistic career.

Odd13 Brewery

This is also about the TCL.


This vocab word is not what you think.

Twisted Pine

I also wrote about Rising Tide Tattoo Parlor in this one.


This poll is only good till EOD TODAY (1/3)!!

The Space Between

A little off the pub topic. Or is it?