Month: January 2020

PTMTs on The Outrider #5: Sassy Gay Friend

This week’s hashing out of the PTMT #5: Sassy Gay Friend (and his friend the Terrifying Leather Daddy), on Friend Jason’s Outrider Podcast, is particularly on fire. Not cos it’s flaming, but because it’s… well, it’s a wee bit more contentious than usual. In a mutually respectful, friendly way, of course.

This is another one that didn’t get a published article, though we did have an outline. Here’s the full old rundown, again, and here’s the video series this trope’s title is based on.

PTMTs on the Outrider #4: The Tale of the Nerd (and actually not really the Neckbeard since we talked about it)

The latest on Friend Jason’s podcast, The Outrider, is live today, lovely lurkers. It’s the latest in my series of Problematic Toxic Masculinity tropes, The Tale of the Nerd and the Neckbeard.

Two things, tho: 1) this article was never written nor published, as Writers HQ had a $ issue and could no longer accept new works. So all we had for our talk was a detailed outline. 2) since that was true, we discovered that the Neckbeard part of the whole thing didn’t really fit; that this trope is actually mainly about the Nerd and that character’s practice of what Pop Culture Detective calls Adorkable Misogyny.

So that’s super cool. Enjoy the discussion.

PTMTs on the Outrider #3: Bond, James Bond

This time, both Kathleen and Paul joined us for this discussion and….

Golly we sound hammered. Not that that should surprise you, for those who know this series…

Here’s the podcast ep, over on Outrider. Here’s the original article, over on Writers’ HQ.

Please to enjoy.

Thank you!

Good news, everyone enrolled in Stage Movement this Spring semester at Metro:

Since there were a few of you signed up that are graduating seniors? The department head went to bat for the class and IT’S ON, PEOPLE!

I’ll see you next week! In the meantime, I must go update my syllabus…..

Actual footage of me in gratitude to Scott. Or, actually, Jori & Gustavo doing their Rivals scene from the 2015 class. One of the two.

Deconstruction Lists

Over at the eminent and intellectual Deconstruction Workers, all of us who are called the Workers (those who have appeared on the podcast) have been slated to write Top Ten lists on any number of nerdy topics from the past decade. I’m planning two, but haven’t finished the second one yet. The one that’s up as of now is the Top Ten Biggest Developments in Star Wars. This covers the biggest things to happen to Star Wars between 2010-2019. Don’t @ me. Stay tuned for my second list, once I get it together…

10 in the 10s: Star Wars List on Deconstruction Workers


PTMTs on Outrider #1: Go Big or Go Home

The excellent and wine-fueled podcast headed by grad school friend Jason Quinn Malott did a whole podcast series based on my Problematic Badass Female Trope articles over on Writers’ HQ, and now we have completed another series, on the sequel series to those articles, the Problematic Toxic Masculinity Tropes, the first three of which also are on Writers’ HQ. This time, we had a few guest hosts that added their wit and wisdom to the fray, and the SO composed the intro/outro music for it as well. It’s been a heckuva lot of fun, and I can only hope that the release of this new podcast series will get the rest of these articles published. What say, Writers’ HQ (Sarah? Jo?)?

Here’s the first podcast episode of the PBFTs: Go Big or Go Home , annnnnd here’s the original article it’s based on: Go Big or Go Home.

For the overview of all the PTMTs, check this post from a while ago. Though I will warn you: the basic premises (and sub-tropes) have changed a lot since I’ve written and especially since I’ve talked about these with Friend Jason.


Sign up for Stage Movement, 3rd & final plea: Clowning Around

What do you call a pile of clowns? A giggle? A clowder?

The semester is creeping up upon us quickly, lovely lurkers, and I have attempted to save my break and my sanity by not checking on my Metro class rosters every 5 minutes, to ascertain whether or not I’ll have a job the next couple months. Spoiler alert: I need 12 students minimum in each class or they’ll be cancelled. I’ll be checking up on everything on Monday, so I’ll let you know then if these pleas have helped or not.

As it is, allow me to put forth a third compelling reason why Stage Movement is such a fun and important piece of education that you must experience: Clowning.

That’s right, clowning: the once sacred art of creating worlds using physicality, of exaggerating your own personality into larger than life antics, exploring the long long journey from problem to (ridiculous) solution, and of course hats. (Clown hats: it’s what we do in lieu of elaborate costumes & makeup.)

In Metro’s Stage Movement class, we learn the basics of mime & gag creation, then we do a rollicking assignment called Clownlympics, in which our new-forged clowns present sporting events. The other fun thing about this event is that I break out my kid’s-dance-class instruments, and the audience clowns then provide musical accompaniment to each event. It. Is. A. Blast.

So sign up for class! I promise it’ll be incredibly fun, and you’ll learn a lot about movement techniques, styles, and how your body works in space (and on stage).