Month: December 2021

The last two installments of my Xmas Carol readaloud

I was not ready for part 14 to be so short! Dickens just summarizes and fast forwards through the last parts, quite unlike the theatrical adaptations that fill out Scrooge’s redemptive Christmas Day a bit more. I hope you enjoyed listening—I had a great time doing this. Let me know what you’d like to hear next year. I’m thinking A Child’s Xmas In Wales, but I’m open to suggestions. Cheers! (and god bless us, every one…) 🎄

Part 13:

Part 14:

Parts 7 & 8

I forgot to post yesterday, so, here. I was worried, when I began, that I would have too much to read before the 25th shows up, but now I look at how far I am just through 8 parts? I’ll probably be done early. But I’m not going to calculate that–we’ll just have to wait and see.

Part 7:

Part 8:

Terrible accent work in this one, sorry about that. I’m way better than this, usually.

Xmas Carol Parts 2-5

See how bad I am at keeping up with this blog? I’ve been doing the daily readings of Christmas Carol and posting it…like, everywhere else? So anywho. Here are the installments I’ve done since last I was here. Please to enjoy.

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5: