Month: February 2024

From the Substaaack … to the Blog

No idea why that song likes to stick in my head—I literally don’t know more than a couple lines of it even. Anywho.

It’s that time again! Time to give y’all who are still using this ancient and venerable platform to follow me, a summary of the free posts that I’ve put up on my Substack, Zuko’s Musings. Remember, that there is a free subscription as well as a paid one, and the paid peeps of mine get three posts a week instead of just two. So. Here ya go.

Airport Bars

My popinations traveled out of state recently!


This vocab word got a little sentimental.

Wichita Pub Crawl

Me & JQM on a Wichita brewery jaunt. Super fun.


Another slang term that matched my performing life.

Mountain Sun

A popination to an old favorite.

And, as a bonus: I’m starting to take down the paywalls on each of my Problematic Tropes series of cultural criticism pieces, one by one, for a Thankful Thursday practice. This past Thursday, I opened up #1:

The Marion Effect

You’ll find older versions of these here, and on Writers HQ. But these versions have been revised just a wee bit more for my Substack audience.