Month: December 2023

Stacks are Wack

Actually they’re not wack, they’re pretty great! Here’s the latest few posts of mine from Zuko’s Musings. Keep in mind: these are only the freebies—on Wednesdays, I’ve instigated a Fight Clip Club for paid subscribers, wherein I analyze fight scenes from cinema. I’ve been on a funny fighting kick lately, and it’s been a lot of fun. Come on by and slip me a fiver to follow those as well as all these.



I hear the GM of this place appreciated this piece.


…and liminal spaces


A decent bar and a bad church.


I like Don Huely’s series—I recommend it.

Outback Saloon

A venerable old place to go have a crunchy pint.


Our latest episode of Outrider Podcast is live! Well, recorded. Live. Anyway. Ahem.

Today’s looks like it’s focused on anger issues and like, poop? So listen in and see what the ranting and raving is about this month. And thanks for following.

Arrgghh! So, How Are Your Anger Issues Tonight?

Hulk Smash! In MLA format…