Month: May 2022

O Metro, We Hardly Knew Ye…

Or, actually, we knew ye pretty damn well, considering I’ve been teaching there since 2001. But. It’s the end of an era. And the era ended with a silence. And the legacy I’ve left? I don’t know. I thought I had left one but I think it’s been taken already.

For more of the story of my …er, storied past working at MSU-Denver, read this old rant about the adjunct plight, from the last Adjunct Walkout Day. Go read that real quick and come back.

I was ghosted by the English Department (after having been wronged). But the other day, I quit the Theatre Department. Also because I was being wronged, but in a slightly different way, and they would have let that go on for as long as I let them. So I dropped the proverbial bomb at our last faculty meeting. It wasn’t pleasant, but I also didn’t relish staying on past my welcome.

I hesitate to go further into detail, like the above article about English. But if you know me personally, you can take me out for a pint and I can go more into detail. I plan to write about the experience in my memoir, too, so (god willing) when that book gets published, you’ll get the lowdown.

So, after this online summer semester, I’ll be leaving Metro. After more than 20 years of excellent service. I feel mixed about this, as I’m sure you can imagine. Leaving is absolutely the right choice, but like any breakup from a relationship that’s that long term, it’s not an unalloyed joy that I feel.

So that’s the main update for me, lovely lurkers. There’s more going on, though:

In theatre news, I’ve done so many amazing fights for so many amazing productions. Unarmed, intimacy, rapiers, silly gladiator shit, boxing, pirate fights to music…. It’s funny, the second me & the SO decided it was okay to quit Metro, I literally got three fight director gigs dropped in my lap. I’m being proven that it was a good choice. Not that my position is any less precarious, but at least I’m working with people that give me the respect I deserve.

Work-wise, I’m still teaching for DU. I’m starting to wind down a Children’s Lit class for their Professional Writing program, and have a Literary Genres course on deck for summer quarter. I have one active and one slumbering copywriting gig going on, and am applying for several more of those per day. Hopefully I’ll rake enough together to replace the Metro income (which I kind of already have if you do the math). It does mean my taxes will be even more royally fucked, but there’s nothing I can do about that right now.

More theatre stuff: Blue Dime Cabaret is going strong—we’re doing one show monthly, which is a good rhythm for me right now at least. Fewer than that would make me antsy, and more would be exhausting, so. The Denver drag and burlesque scenes are hopping, and I’m getting so much talent auditioning for us each time, it’s exhilarating.

Speaking of, I’m playing a dream role this summer, up in Washington state with a company called Animal Fire. I had done some zoom stuff w them before, and my good friend from college is deeply involved. I’m gonna go sleep on her couch and play Feste in 12th Night, a part I’ve wanted since I was a teenager. Like an adult Shakespeare summer camp, it’s at a lovely outdoor theatre not unlike the prestigious Shakespeare festival here in Boulder. That will be wild and wonderful.

Speaking of Boulder, I’ll no longer be living there, in the cradle of my childhood, as of July this summer. I’ve been going back and forth between my partner’s place and there for a few years now, and now it’s time to let that go too. Which I’m also feeling mixed about, though it too is definitely the right choice.


Yeah. That’s me, lovely lurkers. I’m fine, really, everything’s fine here now, thank you. How are you? /big wince/*

*name the movie!

Effin Birds is da bomb.